Friday, April 10, 2009

The Truth of Publishing Anything...

The latest tidbit is finally in. A self published author such as myself cannot simply donate a book to the local library and have it included on its own merits.

Nope. That just doesn't happen anymore.

What that actually means is, simply put, that no author of any material can write a decent book and expect any good gains or media coverage without expending a lot of money unless they know someone who might possibly know someone else.

Admittedly, I do have my own peculiar quirks to cope with, specifically my odd inability to write a synopsis and summary for my own works, the reason I went self published in the first place.

Again, I cannot stress the true importance of the synopsis over the actual body of the written book to those who might possibly read this post in the unknown future.

In discrete, simple words, the written book does not genuinely matter to the powers that be, at least in the early review stages, the contract negotiations meetings and so forth.

The book itself could be nonexistent if you have that all important synopsis.

Just a mention. Hope it's useful to you.