Thursday, September 25, 2008

On Today...

Today is September 23, 2008. It is a good day, a cool, comfortable, somewhat relaxed day.

In other words, it's chaos gelled.

I'll live.

As for the rest of the world, well, I'm just telling you that I believe I know of a way to eliminate coal fired plants without nuclear energy, solar power, wind energy, geothermal groundsource, chemical fuels, etcetera.

But, since you haven't read this page, I'll just keep plugging on with the prototype design and we'll see what happens next.

For those of you who do read this blog, do mention the news to all those who didn't.

Of course, that's your choice.

Sincerely, Clarence E. Shellito
Author of the SPACERABBIT Series.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The World...

Are you truly stressed? If you really are, take a breather. Kick back in the easy chair and curl up with a really good book.

I recommend the SPACERABBIT Series, which can be found on

There. The shameless plug for my books has been made.

My wife loved them and I'm working on more, although I can't put more out there on my budget.

Have fun.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The World

I once proposed a suggestion to Congress that was, like so many of my proposals to NASA, never responded to. Therefore, I now propose them to all of you with the hopes that you will notice them and, potentially, press Congress to enact this one useful suggestion.

Amid all of the promises of "change" and "fresh thinking" that both Presidential candidates have expressed, neither has offered the thought to refine the legislative agendas of Congress.

In this, I propose that each and every item pressed for and proposed as a law of the United States be defined independently. If we wish to pass a select piece of legislation aimed at ending campaign finance loopholes, then we deal only with those loopholes. Don't attach an earmark for body armor, military spending or anything else to it.

I also propose that no legislation is to be conducted in the dead of night without a full and fair review and that military spending for secret projects, agencies and so forth be capped indefinitely without an annual adjustment unless good, truly valid justifications do exist to increase that spending and, more importantly, with some small degree of disclosure in respect to the underlying reasons for that necessary increase in the operational budget.


Are the candidates listening?

More importantly, do they even care?


Clarence Shellito
Author of the SPACERABBIT Series
located at

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A secret of the SPACERABBIT Series

Hello again.

I'm informing any and all visitors of one vital aspect of the SPACERABBIT Series.

I deliberately and intentionally sacrificed exacting grammatical correctness to enable the encoding of a hidden series of anagrams within the text of the books themselves.

In simple terms, each volume, in addition tot he entire series, has been deliberately written with encoded, ergo secret messages for the readers to find.

Yes, I will be adding a special collector's edition when the entire series is marketed and thereafter I will see what comes.


Clarence Shellito Author of the SPACERABBIT Series

An Author Speaks Out...

Welcome to my blog.

Yes, I am an author and yes, I feel good about writing.

No, I have not been "picked up" by a mainstream publishing company, although I am open to such offers. If you are representing such a publishing house, hopefully BAEN PRESS, do post here and I will return contact.

Do I have published books out in the big, wide world?

Of course. I could not declare myself an Author of Science Fiction without having substantiated proof of a published book.

One can locate the evidence on WWW.AMAZON.COM, specifically



I will also donate to my local library network.

Yes, more volumes will follow, as the SPACERABBIT Series is a multiple volume set.

I am always open to artwork reviews "IF" and "ONLY WHEN" such artwork can be included into a future volume of a book I have written or will be writing.

So, if you are one of those talented, unknown artists with an interest in portfolio building, do post a message and I will return contact. If it is included within the body of one of my books as an illustration or as the cover art,

Please do remember that while color artwork is pretty and highly useful for book covers, I do prefer gray scale or black and white renderings for the interior. Simply stated, this means any two color sketch that easily converts to black and white or gray scale.

I am working on a futuristic science fiction series, a fantasy series and, of course, I have already written most of the contemporary science fiction that comprises the SPACERABBIT Series.

Please do buy a book and help others help themselves.

Sincerely, C. Shellito, Author of the SPACERABBIT Series.