Thursday, September 18, 2008

The World

I once proposed a suggestion to Congress that was, like so many of my proposals to NASA, never responded to. Therefore, I now propose them to all of you with the hopes that you will notice them and, potentially, press Congress to enact this one useful suggestion.

Amid all of the promises of "change" and "fresh thinking" that both Presidential candidates have expressed, neither has offered the thought to refine the legislative agendas of Congress.

In this, I propose that each and every item pressed for and proposed as a law of the United States be defined independently. If we wish to pass a select piece of legislation aimed at ending campaign finance loopholes, then we deal only with those loopholes. Don't attach an earmark for body armor, military spending or anything else to it.

I also propose that no legislation is to be conducted in the dead of night without a full and fair review and that military spending for secret projects, agencies and so forth be capped indefinitely without an annual adjustment unless good, truly valid justifications do exist to increase that spending and, more importantly, with some small degree of disclosure in respect to the underlying reasons for that necessary increase in the operational budget.


Are the candidates listening?

More importantly, do they even care?


Clarence Shellito
Author of the SPACERABBIT Series
located at

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